Designing a Comfortable Family Room as Your Kids Get Older

By :- Kate, On January 16, 2017 in ::-House

As your kids get older, there will come a time when you need to upgrade their space. Out with the toy box and the train set, and in with the things that will give them a sense of having their special place in which to lounge and relax.

A Place to Switch Off

Just like it’s important for you to leave work in the office, it’s equally essential for your kids to be able to take a break from the demands of school. Constant pressure in the classroom can cause stress. While we need some stimuli, we also need time to relax which helps to ward off burnout. So, a comfortable family room can play a big part in helping your kids get the downtime they need.

It can give you a good opportunity to show your kids the importance of balancing work and school-life with downtime to disconnect. And it probably will do you as much good as your kids to leave the office, physically and mentally.

Making It Homey

When it comes to design, keep comfort as your main goal. Make your family room a welcoming place to take a break. Think of a comfy sofa loaded with soft cushions that make you want to put up your feet and maybe take a nap. You may also want to include a bookcase filled with everyone’s favourite books to nudge family members.

Colours influence our moods. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Cool colours like blues and greens create a calming atmosphere. Natural textures have a similar effect. To encourage family members to linger in the family room, make it homely. A calming atmosphere will draw them in.

A Safe and Happy Place

Another way you can make your family room a comfortable place is to fill it with reminders of happy times with your family. Hang framed photos of family holidays or other special events. Be sure to include pictures of everyone and to keep the fun mood, switching around different photos to remember other good times.

With all of these reminders, your new family room becomes your shared personal space. It should take on an inviting atmosphere to encourage everyone to share a place that is synonymous with comfort. With pleasing colours and many treasured family memories, you’ll create a room that will be your family’s hub of contentment and happiness.