How to Reclaim your Garage Space for your Car

By :- Kate, On July 24, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized

If you have a garage, be that one of the detached Garages out there, or one that is fixed as part of your property, you probably aren’t using it for its original purpose. Reminder; you are meant to be able to park your car in the garage; it’s a safe and locked location to keep your car indoors. We accumulate more and more stuff each year. However, we don’t accumulate more space. Do you see the problem? Before you know it, you are parking your car on the street and the garage is a storage room. The following article lists some simple tips to follow when attempting to reclaim your garage. This mission is going to be a success!

Is it secure?

Your garage needs to be secure if you’re going to keep your car in there. So, if your garage doors don’t lock properly or are looking a bit worse for wear, get them fixed up. This garage door company in Concord nc can repair your garage doors so that they’re good as new – try to find a similar garage door specialist in your area who can give your doors some TLC. Once the doors are fixed, make sure your garage is weatherproof. Clear the guttering and replace it if it’s cracked, and check for leaks in the roof. You don’t want it all to come tumbling down on your car in a storm!

Do you need it?

You need to be honest with yourself and tough. How long has this item been calling the garage its home? If the answer is more than a year, then you really need to ask why it’s still hanging around. If you haven’t used the item in a while, it’s pretty obvious you don’t need it. You need to be tough but reasonable. There is nothing worse than throwing something away and then wishing you still had it the following week. If there is something that you can’t make your mind up about, put it aside and reconsider later or get another person’s opinion.

When this process of ruthless evaluation leads to a substantial pile of items marked for removal, it’s time to consider the logistics of disposal. For such large-scale decluttering efforts, these nationwide dumpster rental services can be a game-changer. These services tend to offer the convenience of a spacious, temporary container delivered right to your property, perfect for accommodating all the items you’ve decided to part with. By streamlining the disposal process, you can maintain momentum in your decluttering journey without the interruption of multiple trips to the local dump. This efficient approach not only saves time but also ensures that your newly organized space remains clutter-free throughout the process.

Garage sale

Don’t just throw things away. It’s true; ones man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Is it so hard to believe? Not only will you make a little extra money to help with the bills but knowing your items are going to a good home is a great motivator. If you don’t have the time to hold a garage sale, consider giving your items to a second hand or opportunity shop. Feel good for being charitable and have space to finally park your car. If, however, there are quite a number of things that are old or cannot be sold, you can consider hiring a skip bin online that you can use to dispose of those unwanted items.


If there are some big tickets items that you just can’t live without but don’t have the room to keep around, consider hiring some storage space. Places like Fort Knox Storage will keep your belongings safe without costing you an arm and a leg. It’s a great idea for people that have down sized to a smaller property and plan to find something bigger once the market has picked up.

Finally, make sure that you have time. You don’t want to be rushed. This is a long and thoughtful process that requires your full attention. You want to do it right the first time. Set yourself a goal and reach it. If the goal is quite large set yourself some partial goals, these will be the increments to reach on the way to the final goal.