Sleek, Stylish and Simple Bathroom Storage Ideas

By :- Kate, On March 14, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized

Many homes across America suffer from a similar problem: not enough storage space. Even if you are blessed with a sizeable linen closet or large vanity cabinet, this isn’t enough space to store every half-empty bottle of shampoo or bulk package of toilet paper.

This could be one of the leading reasons why homeowners may choose to opt for bathroom renovation with the help of The Buildwell group or similar companies to create additional storage space. You can discover the potential solutions, that the experts may offer by delving into the article below.

Pegboard Organizer

For years, men used pegboards to organize their garages and storage sheds. Creating a stylish pegboard organizer for your bathroom begins by disguising the board’s drab brown color with a coat of semigloss paint. Once the pegboard is dry, cover it with a thin layer of polyurethane to preserve the paint job. Hang the board on your bathroom wall and use it to keep your makeup brushes, hair accessories, and other items organized. If you have multiple women or teenagers in your home, personalize a pegboard organizer for each.

Linen Cabinets

Many washrooms have storage cabinets that add a pop of color, and maximize storage space for items such as towels, toiletries, and other bathroom essentials. These also come in different materials, offering options based on preferences. Cabinets from Madeli and similar stores, for instance, come in line and typically feature drawers, and compartments for neat organization and easy accessibility.

Repurpose an Old Drawer

Everyone has an old dresser or drawer that can be repurposed into a practical bathroom shelf. Start by painting the drawer with a semi gloss paint. Then once the paint dries, securely mount the drawer horizontally or diagonally on the bathroom wall using heavy-duty screws. You can use the drawer to store extra towels or display a row of decorative items. If you have several drawers available, consider creating a row of repurposed drawers to organize your bathroom essentials. In addition to this, you can hang up containers for other items that are used daily, such as make-up accessories. Rods can be attached to the back of the bathroom door to hang-up bathroom towels. Although simple to read, the entire process may be time consuming and may cost you some money. Therefore, you can do your research to find out tips, tricks and proper resources prior to your bathroom renovation in order to avoid any Costly bathroom remodel mistakes that may befall you.

Hidden Storage

When it comes to sleek and stylish bathroom storage, consider the allure of hidden compartments within your Bathroom Renovations. Embrace the beauty of minimalist design by integrating storage solutions that seamlessly blend with the aesthetics of your space. For instance, a vanity with discreet pull-out drawers or cabinets can offer a chic and clutter-free look while maximizing functionality. This thoughtful approach not only maintains the sleek simplicity of your bathroom but also provides ample storage for toiletries and essentials.

Unused Shoeboxes

Pull the shoeboxes from the back of the closet and dust them off because there’s finally a purpose for that unused cardboard. Grab your kids and give them a variety of paints, brushes and other fun embellishments, like stones and glitter. Ask each to paint and personalize a shoebox however they choose. Once the paint is dry, organize and store the kids’ bathroom necessities in their personalized shoeboxes.

Create a Towel Tree

Many American households struggle with a potentially devastating issue: children haphazardly throwing their wet towels on the bathroom floor. If you’re constantly reminding your kids to hang up their damp towels after showering, there is a fun and stylish option that will end that. Visit local secondhand stores or thrift sales and search for a coatrack. If the rack is faded or outdated, cover it with a fresh coat of semigloss paint. Once the paint dries, place the repurposed coatrack in the corner or near the shower. You’ve added a stylish element to the bathroom while eliminating any excuses your kids have for not hanging up their damp towel.

Proudly Display Your Toilet Paper

Nothing is more embarrassing for a guest than running out of toilet paper. Instead of subjecting your in-laws or a party-goer to the shame of asking for an extra roll, turn leftover oatmeal containers into fun and stylish toilet-paper cozies. The process is simple and can be a fun afterschool activity to occupy the kids. Wipe out the inside of an empty, round oatmeal container before decorating the outside with paint, stickers or wallpaper. Once the paint or glue dries, stick an extra roll inside and proudly display it on the back of the guest bathroom’s toilet.

It doesn’t cost a fortune to create an organized, stylish bathroom. All you need are tools, paint and imagination to turn almost box, drawer or container into an elegant, fun and functional way to keep your bathroom neat and tidy.

Image from Flickr’s Creative Commons

About the Author: Barbara Jenkins is an interior designer and blogger. Barbara is working on a series of bathroom organization and storage DIY videos at the moment.