Staying in Shape As a Mum

By :- Kate, On July 15, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized

It can be difficult to stay in shape as a Mum as you may feel that you don’t have much time to yourself and when you do, you might want to see friends or just relax. However, there is no reason why you shouldn’t take a bit of time out of your week for yourself and to feel good about yourself.

We completely understand that the journey of motherhood often leaves little time for self-care, and that’s why finding effective ways to stay in shape becomes crucial. In this blog, we’ll delve into practical and manageable strategies that can cater to your unique routine, helping you embrace wellness without compromising your commitments.

Whether you’re looking to regain your pre-pregnancy fitness levels, seeking a subtle mommy makeover, or simply aiming to boost your energy, we’ve got you covered with tips tailored to your busy lifestyle.

So, as you embark on this journey to a healthier and happier you, remember that the right resources and strategies can make all the difference. And speaking of resources, don’t forget to check out the up-to-date sports news on the Youwin blog, allowing you to stay in touch with the latest happenings in your favorite sports. Just like your fitness journey, staying informed is all about balance, and we’ve got your back every step of the way.


Staying in shape doesn’t have to be a chore and one of the best and most fun ways to exercise is to dance. You can stay in shape no matter how old or young and improve your flexibility, confidence, strength and stamina. Dance classes whether private, with a friend or in a group at your local gym, are a great way to improve your social life, get out and get active. With dance classes being open to all ages, shapes and sizes, you can find comfort in an enjoyable environment whilst keeping fit. The art of dancing also opens new doors to different cultures and music by trying out a variety of dance forms such as Salsa or Zumba.


It is widely known that swimming is extremely relaxing, but it is also known to be one of the best all-round workouts. Having a pool built for you by Chandler Arizona Pool Builders or similar professionals, or picking up a subscription at a local pool could be a great way for you and your kids to swim and keep fit. A 30-minute session once or twice a week can make a big difference to your health as well as make you feel and look great. The advantage of swimming is that you can also take your children with you and combine your workout with spending some quality time with your kids. If you aren’t a confident swimmer there are also other options such as ‘aquafit’ and other water-based fitness classes to help you stay in shape.

Marathon running

If you have a spare couple of hours a day, why not head out for a run and train for a marathon or half marathon? With a goal of taking part in one of the many annual marathons around the world, this could give you the motivation to stay in shape. To ensure you’re well-prepared for the challenge, consider seeking guidance from experienced marathon coaches or joining a training group. These professionals can provide personalized training plans tailored to your fitness level, goals, and schedule, helping you build endurance and strength gradually and safely. They even create a well-designed training plan, which typically spans several months. It incorporates a variety of workouts, including long runs, speed sessions, and recovery days, to condition your body for the demands of the marathon distance. By following a structured marathon training plan under the guidance of a knowledgeable coach, you’ll not only improve your physical preparedness but also gain valuable insights into proper nutrition, hydration, and injury prevention strategies.

Besides ensuring that your diet is healthy, preparing for marathons can improve your lifestyle and health as you increase your training regimen. Getting ready for a marathon guarantees that exercise becomes a daily routine, making it fairly easy to track your progress. Marathon running also gives you a chance to give back to local charities and foundations or a cause close to your heart by raising money for them as well as becoming a ‘Super Mum’ when you finish the marathon race.

In conclusion, staying in shape can be difficult especially when it seems as if your busy schedule won’t let anything else in. It is normally the case that something like keeping fit is the first thing to be sacrificed when it comes to finding time to do something. However, with the above three sports and keep-fit activities, you can stay in shape and look after yourself whilst making sure that you look and feel the way that you want to.