What Is It All About Australia̵....

By :- Kate, On December 19, 2014 in ::-Fitness
While Australia still is bicycle crazy, their love of the sport began over a century ago. The initial cycling craze began more than a 100 years ago in the 1860's when the velocipede was invented. Both men and women were fascinated with this new creation constructed out of iron or wood with pedals, and in 1869, Melbourne hosted the first velocipede races. These were uncomfortable so by the 1870'.... {{ Continue Reading }}

How To Stay Fit Without Expensive G....

By :- Kate, On December 14, 2014 in ::-Fitness, Tips
It is easy to assume that in order to lose weight or stay fit you need to pay out for expensive gym membership. Whilst being a member of a gym can be beneficial, it can also be costly. If you are working out to gain muscle mass then a gym is probably best, but generally, most exercise can be carried out without the need to pay for a gym. Working Out At Home You might not realise it, but it is po.... {{ Continue Reading }}

Streamline your morning routine

By :- Kate, On June 4, 2014 in ::-Fitness
Mornings are difficult for most people, especially for families with small children. Getting the kids ready for school can be hectic, resulting in meltdowns, tantrums and increased stress. Even the most organised of parents sometimes encounter challenges that can turn promising mornings into chaotic affairs. Thankfully, busy parents are able to get their families off to a smoother start each morni.... {{ Continue Reading }}

What time is it for you [infographi....

By :- Kate, On September 13, 2013 in ::-Children, Fitness
Alarm clocks of some kind have existed since people have had jobs and although we're not always happy when that alarm clock slices through our gentle slumber, all of us agree that an alarm clock is a useful device. However, not everyone has the same attitude towards their alarm clock and with many setting their alarm clock for the first time in weeks following the summer holidays, OnlineClock..... {{ Continue Reading }}