Five Tips to Make Breastfeeding a Piece ....

By :- Kate, On January 5, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized
One thing that you'll never hear a mother say is "breast feeding is easy!" From cracked, sore nipples to sore breasts to bad latches, breastfeeding can be an incredibly frustrating and painful experience. The good news is that it doesn't have to be. If you're planning on breastfeeding, or are currently breastfeeding, here are five tips to ensure that it's as easy as possible for you and your.... {{ Continue Reading }}

Why Gaming with Your Mum is Surprisingly....

By :- Kate, On January 5, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized
It is natural for children to be disparaging of their parents' abilities when it comes to video games. But give them half a chance and they might surprise you. Here is why you can have fun when gaming with your mum. In the past, before the days of digital entertainment, families used to sit around the table and play board games together. Family game nights are still a popular activity today whe.... {{ Continue Reading }}

I have Discovered Online Bingo, and itâ€....

By :- Kate, On January 4, 2013 in ::-Uncategorized
Playing bingo has never appealed to me, and as I spend so much time at home with the girls, I never have the time to go to bingo halls. However, a few days ago a friend suggested online bingo to me, and I am now hooked. I am hoping that any winnings that I achieve in my new hobby will help me to achieve my goal of saving 10K this year. Traditional bingo games have been a popular hobby for milli.... {{ Continue Reading }}

That Time of Year to Make the New Yearâ€....

By :- Kate, On December 28, 2012 in ::-Uncategorized
I am like the millions of other people around the world that make New Year’s resolutions and hope that I have not lost interest by March. The thing that I have learnt the most from making these commitments is that they have to be realistic, and never too many. Therefore, for me this year it is simple, I intend to continue with my fitness programme, and concentrate on saving 10K. Why we make N.... {{ Continue Reading }}

How to Combat Rising Travel Costs Throug....

By :- Kate, On December 16, 2012 in ::-Uncategorized
Travelling around London has always been an adventure, and something that can either be a pleasure, or a nightmare. The public transport system has improved a huge amount over the years; however, this has come at a cost to everyone.  If I am to achieve my goal of saving 10K this year, I think I am going to have to be resourceful with my travelling plans. With rising fuel costs and budgets bein.... {{ Continue Reading }}

Time to Consider Moving Out of Central L....

By :- Kate, On December 5, 2012 in ::-Uncategorized
Living in central London has always been fun, however, with the cost of living increasing, and my expenditures rising, it may be time to consider moving. There are both advantages and disadvantages to living in the city, and I have lived here for over 10 years, and seen so many changes. The girls are settled here, but I have to consider what is right for my family and my challenge of saving 10K th.... {{ Continue Reading }}

When You Need to Consider Alternative Me....

By :- Kate, On November 15, 2012 in ::-Uncategorized
Living with two young children and an incredibly hyperactive dog there will always be times when things get ruined and broken. I have had my sofa for many years, and the kids and dog love to use it for everything other than sitting. Finally, the sofa gave up the other day, which left me with the dilemma of how to get a new one as cheap as possible. When you cannot afford the shops My goal to.... {{ Continue Reading }}